We’ve been encouraged to wear masks throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, mostly to protect the people around us from inhaling the tiny pieces of airborne virus that could fly out of our mouths and noses, sometimes before we even realize we’re sick. But...
In a landmark genetic study of more than 121,000 people, Rutgers and an international consortium of researchers have identified extremely rare protein-disrupting mutations in 10 genes that strongly increase an individual’s risk of developing schizophrenia. The Genomic...
ResearchMatch is pleased to continue our collaboration with the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) on this free informational webinar. You are invited to join us tomorrow, May 17th, at 1 pm ET/12 pm CT for an overview of NORD, with linkages to essential...
Inhaled nanoparticles – human-made specks so minuscule they can’t be seen in conventional microscopes, found in thousands of common products – can cross a natural, protective barrier that normally protects fetuses, according to Rutgers University scientists studying...