News & Announcements

Heart disease is killing Black women; 5 tips for preventing it.

Heart disease is largely preventable, experts say. Still, it’s the number one killer of Black women who sometimes lack access to health care and whose symptoms are often ignored. “The stark reality is more women die from heart disease than any other cause,” said Dr....

How Parenthood May Help Keep Your Brain Young.

How Parenthood May Help Keep Your Brain Young.

Parents' brains may be getting an unexpected benefit from raising children: protection against some effects of aging, according to a new study of nearly 37,000 adults. The research from Rutgers Health and Yale University, published in the Proceedings of the Natural...

New Study Raises Alarm Over Alzheimer’s Blood Tests.

New Study Raises Alarm Over Alzheimer’s Blood Tests.

Research from Rutgers Health indicates that blood tests for Alzheimer's disease need to be interpreted with caution – particularly for Black patients. “These tests are currently geared towards primary care physicians and directly to older adults concerned about...

How a junk-food splurge can change your brain activity.

Five days of indulging in chocolate bars, crisps and other junk foods can lead to lingering changes in brain activity, a study shows1. The resulting brain patterns are similar to those seen in people who have obesity. A junk-food splurge shifted brain patterns in...

New NJACTS Publication

Please read Dr. Heinert's article in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science titled, "Comparing emergency department versus high school-based recruitment for a hypertension research study with adult-youth dyads." Inclusion of a support person in behavioral...

Google Develops AI-Coscientist to Aid Researchers

"The new tool, tested by scientists at Stanford University in the U.S. and Imperial College London, uses advanced reasoning to help scientists synthesize vast amounts of literature and generate novel hypotheses, the company said." Learn More