Please read Dr. Jensen’s article in medRxiv titled, “Patterns of blunt and cigar use in the United States, 2015-2019.” Concurrent cigar and blunt (i.e., replacing some or all of the tobacco within a cigar with cannabis) use is common within the...
People with mild dementia might live more independently if assistive technology could evolve in parallel with their progressing conditions, according to new research from Alisha Pradhan, assistant professor of informatics at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Pradhan...
Heart disease is largely preventable, experts say. Still, it’s the number one killer of Black women who sometimes lack access to health care and whose symptoms are often ignored. “The stark reality is more women die from heart disease than any other cause,” said Dr....
Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, with outbreaks continuing to emerge globally and domestically. While TB rates in the U.S. are low, the disease is on the rise according to the World Health Organization’s 2024 country...
Parents’ brains may be getting an unexpected benefit from raising children: protection against some effects of aging, according to a new study of nearly 37,000 adults. The research from Rutgers Health and Yale University, published in the Proceedings of the...