Register Now for the New Clinical Research Coordination Badge!

Interested in an Entry-level Position as a Study Coordinator?​  The Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences (RBHS) in collaboration with the New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Sciences (NJ ACTS) developed a 6-week academic badge especially designed for...
NJACTS Community Engagement Core Available Services

NJACTS Community Engagement Core Available Services

Virtual Community Engagement Salon The NJ ACTS CEC Virtual Community Engagement Salons bring researchers together with patients, community members and health care stakeholders to actively participate in cross-talk — to incubate ideas for engagement in the...

New NJACTS Publication

Please read Dr. Reichman’s article in the Journal of Perinatology titled, “Racial differences in the impact of maternal smoking on sudden unexpected infant death.” In the United States, ~480,000 deaths occur from causes attributable to smoking,...