Spring 2023 Mentor Workshops-The Science of Mentoring
Spring 2023 Mentor Workshops-The Science of Mentoring. FLYER
Spring 2023 Mentor Workshops-The Science of Mentoring. FLYER
Rutgers Princeton Center for Computational Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Seminar-Results from a recently completed CCNP study and seek feedback on a proposed add-on neuroimaging session, Laura Bustamante, Washington University in St. Louis. http://ccnp.princeton.edu
CTSA Program Webinar Series–Register Here!
Educational Equity Access Week 2023–Aims to create campus awareness of the need for anequity mindset to help all students thrive. This annual, week–long initiative features a range of publiclectures, faculty, staff and student workshops, and student programming. Read More.
CHECoE Distinguished Lecturer Series – “Program for Elimination of Cancer Disparities: Supporting Cancer Research”. Bettina F. Drake, PhD, MPH, Washington University School of Medicine. Flyer and Register
Center for Leading Innovation & Collaboration (CLIC) Event–NC TraCS Qualitative Research Training Series: Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis. Register Here.
CINJ Special Lecture-Achieving Equity for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer, Dr. Vidya Puthenpura, Yale School of Medicine. Join on Zoom.
Diversity Education Virtual Learning Communities–Book discussion groups create shared venuesfor small–group learning across chancellor–led units. Learn More.
Propelus I-Corps Cohort 7 – NSF I-Corps Hub Northeast Region. Princeton University, Rutgers University, University of Delaware, NJIT, Rowan University, Temple University, Lehigh University, Delaware State University, Drexel University. More Information and Flyer.
Educational Equity Access Week 2023–Aims to create campus awareness of the need for anequity mindset to help all students thrive. This annual, week–long initiative features a range of publiclectures, faculty, staff and student workshops, and student programming. Read More.