CTSA Program Webinar Series
CTSA Program Webinar Series–Register Here!
CTSA Program Webinar Series–Register Here!
Tri-Departmental Seminar Series-Regulating hexosamine biosynthesis, Dr. Estela Jacinto, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, RWJMS– Rutgers. View Flyer and Join on Zoom
Faculty Diversity Social-Faculty peers from all backgrounds and ranks engage one another in conversation about the themes raised in The Black Academic’s Guide to Winning Tenure—Without Losing Your Soul”, Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey Laszloffy.
CINJ Trainee Seminar Series-Deciphering the Dietary Impact on Cancer Immunotherapy, Gabriela Reyes Castellanos, Rutgers. CINJ Auditorium B.
Child Health Institute of New Jersey Science Seminar-Novel Human Neurodevelopmental Disorders: from Families to Cellular Mechanisms, Eric M. Morrow, MD, PhD, Brown University. View Flyer and Join on Zoom or in person at CHINJ
CINJ Grand Rounds-A Molecular Map of MYC-Induced Replication Stress in the Path to Cancer, David Dominguez-Sola, MD, PhD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. CINJ, Auditorium A.
NJ Drug Metabolism and Pharmacology Meeting-Evolving Paradigms for Dose Selection and Emerging Predictive Models and Technologies, Anshu Marathe, PhD., Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research. View Schedule and Registration Information
RBHS Energizing Equity Symposium-A forum for faculty and administrative staff (with supervisory/teaching roles) to engage in a deeper dive on topics related to equity and inclusion. View Flyer and Register Here
Rutgers School of Graduate Studies Mentoring Workshop-Effective Mentoring of Undergrads, an active learning workshop for PhD students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Faculty will use techniques and case study discussions in breakout sessions to teach tools and skills to better mentor undergraduate students in a research setting. View Flyer and Register Here
CINJ Trainee Seminar Series-Accumulation of mtDNA Mutations Impacts the GlycolysisSerine Synthesis Pathway- IC-Metabolism Equilibrium Limiting NSCLC Growth and Malignancy, Eduardo Cararo Lopes, PhD, Rutgers. CINJ, Auditorium B.
Rutgers Princeton Center for Computational Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Seminar-Interactions between neuromodulatory systems and cortex during initiation and switching of behaviour, Matthew Rushworth, Department of Experimental Psychology and Wellcome Trust Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN), University of Oxford, UK. ccnp.princeton.edu
Princeton Research Day-An annual celebration of research and creative endeavors that provides an opportunity for early-career researchers to share their work with audiences outside of their specialized fields. In person and online. Read more about Princeton Research Day
NJ ACTS Biostatistics and Epidemiology Workshop Series-An Introduction to AI Techniques for Forecasting Epidemic Dynamics, Lijing Wang, NJIT. View Flyer and Register Here