DEIA Events

DEIA Event – LGBT Issues and the Law.  This webinar will address what the helping professional needs to know when it comes to the New Jersey civil union and domestic partnership statutes, adoption law, the Law Against Discrimination and Hate Crimes Act, as well as the impact of Federal laws such as The Civil Rights […]

DEIA Events

DEIA Events – ‘Get Recognized’ Workshop -Open to all faculty and postdocs that aims to help them advance their academic identity, promote their work, and envision the next steps in their career trajectory. Register Here and View Flyer.

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series – “How to Use Ally to Improve Canvas Course Accessibility”.  We’ll explore key features of Ally, including the Instructor Feedback Tool, the Course Accessibility Report, and the Alternative Formats  tool.  View Flyer

Fall 2022 Mentor Workshops

Hardenbergh Hall

Fall 2022 Mentor Workshops-Cultural Diversity Awareness.  Speaker:  Crystal Bedley, Ph.D., Rutgers University View Flyer

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series – “Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video”.  This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, […]

Faculty Diversity Collaborative’s Mutual Mentoring Program

Faculty Diversity Collaborative’s Mutual Mentoring Program-Mutual mentoring is designed to foster collaborative networks where each person provides specific areas of knowledge and expertise. Learn more here.

Diversity Education Virtual Learning Communities

Diversity Education Virtual Learning Communities–Book discussion groups create shared venuesfor small–group learning across chancellor–led units. Learn More.

Educational Equity Access Week 2023

College Avenue Student Center, Multipurpose Room A 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Educational Equity Access Week 2023–Aims to create campus awareness of the need for anequity mindset to help all students thrive. This annual, week–long initiative features a range of publiclectures, faculty, staff and student workshops, and student programming. Read More.

Educational Equity Access Week 2023

College Avenue Student Center, Multipurpose Room A 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Educational Equity Access Week 2023–Aims to create campus awareness of the need for anequity mindset to help all students thrive. This annual, week–long initiative features a range of publiclectures, faculty, staff and student workshops, and student programming. Read More.

Educational Equity Access Week 2023

Zimmerli Arts Museum 71 Hamilton Street, NJ, United States

Educational Equity Access Week 2023–Aims to create campus awareness of the need for anequity mindset to help all students thrive. This annual, week–long initiative features a range of publiclectures, faculty, staff and student workshops, and student programming. Read More.

Diversity Education Virtual Learning Communities

Diversity Education Virtual Learning Communities–Book discussion groups create shared venuesfor small–group learning across chancellor–led units. Learn More.

Educational Equity Access Week 2023

College Avenue Student Center, Multipurpose Room A 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Educational Equity Access Week 2023–Aims to create campus awareness of the need for anequity mindset to help all students thrive. This annual, week–long initiative features a range of publiclectures, faculty, staff and student workshops, and student programming. Read More.

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series-Competency 1 Workshop, Inclusivity Series Discussion – David Goldman Facilitating. Register Here.

Dr. Roxane Gay Writing Workshop

Rutgers Academic Building 15 Seminary Place, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Dr. Roxane Gay Writing Workshop-A Faculty Writing Workshop: Writing for the Public, a full-day in-person workshop on writing for the public as underrepresented scholars. Dr. Roxane Gay.  View Flyer and Register Here

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series-Participants will explore the following concepts through active-learning exercises: Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Intersectionality, and Social Justice. Register Here

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series-This workshop will provide actionable strategies to develop and support an inclusive learning environment for your students.  Register Here

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series-Interracial Dynamics of Providing Student Feedback: Challenges and Solutions. Register Now

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series-Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video. Register Here.

Institutional Equity

Rutgers Club 85 Avenue E, Piscataway, United States

Institutional Equity–Work Towards Inclusion, Join us to reflect on the crafting of Rutgers’ first-ever University Diversity Strategic Plan (DSP) and talk about challenges and progress. Virtual and in-person.  Read More.

Faculty Diversity: Faculty & Staff of Color Reception

Rutgers Club 85 Avenue E, Piscataway, United States

Faculty Diversity: Faculty & Staff of Color Reception-An evening of networking and community building to continue conversations on how to nurture a vibrant, inclusive community that supports the recruitment and retention of faculty and staff of color. Read More and RSVP Here.

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series

Rutgers Classroom Inclusivity Series-Competency 1 Discussion, an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Register Here

DEIA Community End of Year Partner Networking & Dinner

Rutgers Club 85 Avenue E, Piscataway, United States

DEIA Community End of Year Partner Networking & Dinner–A Collaborative Center for Community Engagement event where senior Bonner Leader students, Advancing Community Development participants, and I.D.E.A. student groups will be presenting on their community-based Research. RSVP by Email.

Diversity Education Research 2 Practice Symposium

Diversity Education Research 2 Practice Symposium–Join Rutgers researchers as they share innovative and cutting-edge workshops and tools designed to interrupt bias and harassment; broaden understanding of diversity, equity, access, belonging and inclusion; and advance intersectional understanding. Virtual and in-person. Read More.

Faculty Diversity Social

Rutgers Club 85 Avenue E, Piscataway, United States

Faculty Diversity Social-Faculty peers from all backgrounds and ranks engage one another in conversation about the themes raised in The Black Academic’s Guide to Winning Tenure—Without Losing Your Soul”, Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey Laszloffy. 

University Equity and Inclusion Series

HOPE Office 8 Lafayette Street, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

University Equity and Inclusion Series-Campus Connect: A Suicide Prevention Training for Gatekeepers. Virtual or In-person at the HOPE Office, 8 Lafayette Street New Brunswick, 08901. Read more and Register Here.

Faculty Diversity ‘Mentoring 101’ Workshop

Faculty Diversity ‘Mentoring 101’ Workshop-The session will debunk traditional mentoring myths and provide tools for expanding your mentoring network to advance your academic career, open to all current and future faculty. Virtual. Register Here

C.L.A.R.A. Communication Virtual Workshop

C.L.A.R.A. Communication Workshop-This workshop approaches C.L.A.R.A. (Calm, Listen, Affirm, Respond, Add) communication as a tool for engaging in difficult conversations respectfully. View Flyer and Register Here