Become a Member
The Rutgers Institute for Translational Medicine and Science (RITMS) membership is open to all faculty across Rutgers whose research can benefit from our services and whose goals match RITMS’.
Find a Clinical Trial
Rutgers supports nearly 350 clinical trials at any given time. The Rutgers Institute for Translational Medicine and Sciences is your gateway to our statewide clinical trial activities.
Summer Research
The RITMS Summer Research Program is a unique opportunity for high school students, college students, and first year medical students to perform hands on translational research.
CTR Pilot Program
The Tri-Institutional Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) Pilot Program offers pilot grants to develop and advance innovative clinical and translational research projects
New NJACTS Publication
Please read Dr. Cohen's article in Psychological Medicine titled, "Major depression symptom severity associations with willingness to exert effort and patch foraging strategy." Individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) can experience challenges with...
New NJACTS Publication
Please read Dr. Crystal's article in the American Journal of Epidemiology titled, "The role of prescription opioid and cannabis supply policies on opioid overdose deaths." Mandatory prescription drug monitoring programs and cannabis legalization have been hypothesized...