Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Virtual Event

Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Virtual Event-Metabolism – The Heart of Cellular Function, The Agilent Seahorse Extracellular Flux Analyzer, Sponsored by: Center of Excellence for Pharmaceutical Translational Research and Education. Host: Luigi Brunetti, Rutgers. Join Webex.  View the Events Details.

Child Health Institute Science Seminar Series

Child Health Institute Science Seminar Series-mTORC1 Promotes Whereas mTORC2 Inhibits TLR4 Signaling in Human Leukocytes: How this Relationship Might Keep us Healthy, Beatrice Haimovich, Rutgers, RWJ Medical School. Join via Zoom.

CINJ Grand Round Lecture Seminar Series

CINJ Grand Round Lecture Seminar Series-Precision Medicine Opportunities for Suntype and Genotype Specific Lung Cancers, Christine Brainson, University of Kentucky. Register Here!

RITMS Lecture Series

RITMS Lecture Series-Seeing the Trees in the Forest, Single Cell Analysis of Pulmonary fibrosis, Naftali Kaminski, Yale School of Medicine. View poster. To join via Zoom, please contact Mila Dunbar.

Global Health Case Competition

Global Health Case Competition – Presented by Rutgers Global Health Institute, the Global Health Case Competition is a new, semester-long event in which Rutgers students team up to design community-centered solutions to global health problems. The deadline to apply is December 31, 2020. More info here.