Harokopio University & Rutgers University: 1st Joint e-Symposium

Harokopio University & Rutgers University: 1st Joint e-Symposium – Employing Technology to Improve Health Assessment, Health Communication, &  Healthcare Delivery (Research from Greece and the U.S.A.) Register HERE! For more information, view flyer.

RWJMS Rutgers Project ECHO Series: Structural Racism & COVID-19

RWJMS Rutgers Project ECHO Series 9th session: Structural Racism & COVID-19. Register here! Robin Eubanks, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Health Professions, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies will be presenting.      

CINJ Cancer Pharmacology Research Program

CINJ Cancer Pharmacology Research Program- Biologic formulation using robotics guided by artificial intelligence, Adam Gorley, Rutgers, Register Here

National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week: Engaging the Generations

National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week: Engaging the Generations is next in the series of OCE Conversations on Cancer. OCE is engaging NCI-designated Cancer Centers, cancer advocacy groups, patients, social and community organizers, families and friends.To join the conversation, register here!

IQB Coronavirus Biology Group Special Lecture

IQB Coronavirus Biology Group Special Lecture- SARS-CoV-2 RBD In Vitro Evolution Parrots and Predicts Contagious Mutation Spread, Gideon Schreiber, Rutgers, Online, Register Here