University Equity and Inclusion Classroom Inclusivity Series
University Equity and Inclusion Classroom Inclusivity Series–Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Teaching Strategies, Virtual – Register Here
University Equity and Inclusion Classroom Inclusivity Series–Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Teaching Strategies, Virtual – Register Here
Division of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement Mentor Virtual Workshop-Goal Setting, Define your purpose for the relationship and set up goals you can achieve so that both your priorities and your mentees are met. View Flyer and Register Here
Rutgers Princeton Center for Computational Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Seminar-Modeling Decision-Making in Schizophrenia: Associations Between Computationally Derived Risk Propensity and Self-Reported Risk Perception, Emma Herms, Indiana University.
Multilingual Maternal & Child Health Research Webinar-Pioneering Strategies for Equity, Karen D’Alonzo, Rutgers, Diana Montoya-Williams, CHOP, Zorimar Rivera-Nuñez, Rutgers, Kate Yun, University of Pennsylvania. Register Here
Diversity Education Equity Fundamentals Workshop-An introduction to the concepts of diversity, inclusion, intersectionality, equity and social justice, including opportunities to apply these concepts to our professional and personal lives.Virtual. Register Here.
University Equity and Inclusion Series-Equity Fundamentals. Virtual Event. Register Here.
Rutgers Institute for Health Brown Bag Seminar–(Unequal) Opportunity for Health among Older Adults in the United States: Analysis of the Health and Retirement Study, Yukiko Asada, National Institutes of Health (NIH). Virtual. Join on Zoom.
Biomedical PostDoc Professional Development and Presentation Days (PD3)-Postdocs from all campuses are encouraged to attend. Faculty and students are also invited. In-person only. No registration required. For more information, contact Newark, NJ
University Equity and Inclusion Series–Culturally Responsive Course Design and Teaching Strategies. Virtual Event. Register Here.
Child Health Institute Science Seminar Series-The role of innate cells such as basophils and mast cells on the development of protective immunity to helminth parasites, Mark C. Siracusa, PhD, Rutgers NJMS.Virtual or Child Health Insitute, Room 3209, 89 French Street, New Brunswick. View Flyer
Master of Science in Clinical Research Management Virtual Information Session-We invite you to explore from the comfort of your home, how our masters program can advance your job skills. It’s free to register to secure your place. Learn More
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Invited Speaker Seminar-The Genomics Center: Driving Research and Precision Medicine Initiatives, Milind C. Mahajan, PhD, Rutgers. View Flyer. In person at the ICPH Auditorium C-109, 225 Warren Street, Newark or Join on Zoom.
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Invited Speaker Seminar-The Genomics Center: Driving Research and Precision Medicine Initiatives, Milind C. Mahajan, PhD, Rutgers. View Flyer. In person at the ICPH Auditorium C-109, 225 Warren Street, Newark or Join on Zoom.
University Equity and Inclusion Classroom Inclusivity Series–Speak Up! Bystander Intervention Workshop, Virtual – Register Here
NJ ACTS Special Populations Seminar Series-Improving Pain Strategies in the Emergency Department, Cynthia Santos, MD, Rutgers NJMS. Virtual. View Flyer and Join on Zoom.
CABM Seminar Series-Beyond Methylation: How alpha-ketoglutarate Promotes DNA Repair via Histone Acetylation, Katherine M. Aird, PhD, University of Pittsburgh. View Flyer. CABM 010 and Zoom.
Child Health Institute Science Seminar Series-Elizabeth C. Engle, MD Professor of Neurology and Ophthalmology Harvard Medical School Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute. CHINJ, Room 3101, 89 French Street, New Brunswick.
NJ ACTS Workforce Core Clinical Research Management Collaborative Training Series-Project Optimus and Current Trends in Oncology Dose Selection. View Flyer and Register Here
Rutgers Health Inaugural Health Hack 2023-Healthcare Hackathon: Network: Hack, Feedback, Iterate, Pitch. More than $10,000 in cash prizes. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick. View Flyer and Register Here
Novus I-Corps Program at Rutgers Camden-Learn about the impact your research or innovation could have in solving real-world problems by attending our Novus I-Corps Program at the Rutgers University – Camden Campus, a half-day introduction to I-Corps. Read More and Get Tickets. Campus Center, 326 Penn Street, Camden, NJ.
Faculty Diversity ‘Mentoring 101’ Workshop-The session will debunk traditional mentoring myths and provide tools for expanding your mentoring network to advance your academic career, open to all current and future faculty. Virtual. Register Here
Rutgers Health Inaugural Health Hack 2023-Healthcare Hackathon: Network: Hack, Feedback, Iterate, Pitch. More than $10,000 in cash prizes. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick. View Flyer and Register Here
Rutgers Health Inaugural Health Hack 2023-Healthcare Hackathon: Network: Hack, Feedback, Iterate, Pitch. More than $10,000 in cash prizes. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick. View Flyer and Register Here
Trial Innovation Network Collaboration Webinar-Social Media Recruitment with Meta Restrictions with Brooke Crockett, BA. Register Here