CINJ Recruitment Lecture

CINJ Recruitment Lecture-Early Diagnosis of Chronic Graft versus Host Disease: Exploring New Frontiers, Dr. Yifan Pang, National Institute of Health.  Join via Webex.Meeting number (access code): 2624 620 1479, Meeting password: QPjfvWtM762, Join by phone: 1-650-429-3300.

CLIC Webinar Series Insights to Inspire 2022

CLIC Webinar Series Insights to Inspire 2022: The Journey Continues – Data Completeness, Collaboration Brings Corporate and Academic Cultures Together to Achieve Common Goals, David Foran, PhD, James Barr von Oehsen, PhD, Frank Sonnenberg, MD, Rutgers.  Register Here and Read the Blog Post.

NJ ACTS BERD Core Spring Workshop Series

NJ ACTS BERD Core Spring Workshop Series-Introduction to Causal Inference and Propensity Scores, Jason Roy, PhD, Chair, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology & RUBIES Director, Register Here and View Flyer

CINJ Trainee Seminar Series

CINJ Trainee Seminar Series-The Role of Mitochondrial Functions in the NSCLC Tumorigenesis, Akshada Sawant, PhD, Rutgers. Register Here!

CINJ – Cancer Health Equity Center of Excellence Distinguished Lecturer Series: Vanessa B. Sheppard, PhD

CINJ – Cancer Health Equity Center of Excellence Distinguished Lecturer Series: Invited Speaker: Vanessa B. Sheppard, PhD, Professor, Theresa A. Thomas Memorial Chair in Cancer Prevention and Control; Associate Director, Community Outreach Engagement and Health Disparities Massey Cancer Center; Department Chair & Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Policy REGISTER HERE

CINJ Cancer Prevention and Control Program

CINJ Cancer Prevention and Control Program-A Scalable Informatics Platform for Data-Mining and Analytics, David Foran, PhD, Chief Informatics Officer, Rutgers CINJ.  Join via Zoom.

RWJMS Pediatric Grand Rounds

RWJMS Pediatric Grand Rounds-SAY HER NAME – Recognizing the contributions of Anarcha, Lucy and Betsey to Medicine,Veronica Maria Pimentel, MD, MS, FACOG Trinity Health Of New England.

CEED 4th Annual Environmental Health Summit – Virtual Seminar Series: Climate Change and the Impacts to Maternal and Child Health

CEED 4th Annual Environmental Health Summit – Virtual Seminar Series: Climate Change and the Impacts to Maternal and Child Health This year, Rutgers Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease in partnership with parents, nonprofit leaders, advocates, policymakers, academics, health professionals and researchers is offering a series of webinars exploring the impact of environmental factors on […]