NJ ACTS First Annual Scientific Symposium-Translational Medicine and Science. The Symposium is open to all interested faculty, postdocs, students and others at Rutgers, Princeton and NJIT. To register, follow these links: https://redcap.rwjms.rutgers.edu/surveys/?s=JEMLRDFLC8 OR https://redcap.link/u5e4bgcu
The two-day conference will feature sessions on four hot topics:
Each session will include a keynote by an internationally recognized researcher and two presentations from within the NJ ACTS community. Additional NJ ACTS research will be presented at the poster session. There will be additional opportunities for networking, and for learning about the NJ ACTS cores and the resources and services they can provide.
Abstracts: We invite abstracts from the Rutgers, Princeton and NJIT research communities. Abstracts will be reviewed by the session co-chairs and two abstracts will be selected for presentations and others for the poster session.
Deadline: The Abstract must be submitted by August 6 at midnight, using the on-line form available at:
https://redcap.rwjms.rutgers.edu/surveys/?s=WYAFNDLXER OR https://redcap.link/egzymo9t.
Questions? Email NJACTS@rbhs.rutgers.edu